Supporting PR Freelancers From Underrepresented Communities
The PR Cavalry
We are proud to announce that we are sponsoring a place for a PR Freelancer on the new support and development programme A Leader Like Me, launched by Advita Patel and Priya Bates, two of the most prominent names in comms consulting.
A Leader Like Me is a support programme which helps underrepresented women and non-binary people of colour progress further in their career and achieve their leadership goals.
We are funding a place for a Freelance PR consultant on the Flight programme, which is a 12-week-long set of support activities which address the causes of hesitancy and external obstacles to successful career development. The sponsorship also includes membership to the private members community, The Nest.
The programme is suited for people who:
- Are looking for a support network of likeminded individuals and a safe space to share thoughts and ideas
- Struggle with imposter syndrome and low self-confidence which at times can hold them back from fulfilling their potential
- Are worried to “rock the boat” and need some moral support to help address challenges they may face
- Don’t know what their next career goal should be and need some guidance
- Feel they are not heard and are stuck in a rut
- Struggle with focus and goal setting
- Think they are ‘winging it’ and are lucky to be where they are today
- Want to build their reputation as a thought leader in their industry
- Are keen to understand their personal brand and what it means to them
- are ready to step-up, step-out and take action.
We recognise that the PR sector is beginning to address its longstanding and deep-seated problems of a lack of inclusion and diversity of all kinds.
Whilst some employers are waking up to attitudes and behaviours which actively and passively sustain discrimination, freelancers do not benefit from these changes and continue to stand alone.
For Freelance PR consultants, professional and self development is an investment that is too often out of reach, adding financial hurdles to cultural barriers.
By supporting A Leader Like Me, we will fund one PR freelancer’s membership directly and indirectly we hope that the programme will thrive and go on to help many more people realise their true potential.
We worked closely with Advita on our Business of Freelance PR conference for Freelance PRs last year and her campaigning on diversity, inclusion and entrepreneurialism are an inspiration throughout the PR and comms sectors.
The choice of which PR freelancer gets the place on the programme is entirely out of our control and the recipient will have no obligation to register on our platform or have any contact with us if that is their choice.
To offer yourself for consideration for the sponsored place, please complete this short form by May 14